
« Salience » did you say ?
November 6, 2023

The satisfaction interval by Hugues Joublin

By Hugues Joublin

Have you written down your resolutions for 2023?

If you are like the consultants at SALIENCE Communication, you surely know that it is not so much the resolutions that matter as the achievement gap during the year.

Why is this?

Because at the level of a human being, a company or a nation, the destination is less important than the path taken. Christopher Columbus could have confused the Indies and the Americas without any damage other than an insult to geographical truth. History would have taken a different course if he had not understood his path and had proved unable to reproduce it.

The importance of New Year’s resolutions lies not so much in their ambition, their degree of realism or their ease, but in the gap between the target and its achievement. It is the evolution of this gap, year after year, that will teach you much more about yourself in the long run…

Resolutions or not, my partners and I wish you an excellent year 2023. A year in which we will put all our energy and experience into reducing to nothing the gap between our clients’ expectations and what SALIENCE delivers…

Oh! That sounds like a resolution!

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