
« Salience » did you say ?
November 6, 2023

Salience, a Comms’ agency…

By Hugues Joublin

Salience. The word is beautiful. It sounds evocative. Its meaning is intriguing. Experts in linguistics, psychology or neuroscience have hard time giving it a clear definition. They have made it a polysemous concept.

There is a “salience effect” which designates why, when and how a reality becomes “salient” for some people, i.e. directly arouse and focus their attention. There is a “salience bias” which describes our tendency to focus our perceptions and thinking on certain “salient” elements, to the detriment of others. There is even a “salience model” that segments project’s stakeholders according to three priorities of focus – power, legitimacy and urgency. In this rich context, the concept of “Brand salience” has emerged to designate how a brand comes back to consumers’ mind as soon as an indirectly associated element crosses their attention.

We could go on and on about the different uses of the word, the fascinating research in psychology, behavioral sciences, or neurolinguistics that feed it… (Actually, we’ll come back to it in this blog!) Today, we just want to associate it with another concept – that of “communication agency”.

SALIENCE Communication is an agency that believes in Semiotic Darwinism.

To exist and last, you have to impose yourself, to be “salient”. Strong concepts chase away weak ones; vague ideas fade away and disappear; poorly communicated projects run out of steam; leaders who hide themselves struggle to emerge.

But a long neck does not make a giraffe. To succeed, your projects need far more than creativity and noise. They need method, proven expertise and fluidity of experience.

That’s where the agency concept comes in: the model and the consultants make the difference. Ours deserve your attention. To put a little “salience” in your daily life…

Please come and meet us!

We will regularly share our surprise, our thoughts, our favorites or critics on salient concepts, striking ideas, emerging projects…

« Salience » did you say ?

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Salience Communication, Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle au capital de 20.000 €
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